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Run test

Learn through interaction

Similar to the interview situation in Phase 3, the test situation needs to be well prepared in order to enable maximum learning from interaction with key actors or users.

Prepare participation carefully

Organization of the test situation includes preliminary talks, selection of test subjects, a friendly reminder in advance and the signing of the Consent Form - if audio or video recordings are planned. In order to be able to verifiably record and analyze the data generated, it is advisable to assign anonymous abbreviations again.

Work as a team

The test is conducted by at least two people. One person facilitates, the other takes care of the documentation. One to three test subjects should be invited per test run. Ideally, the same number of observers from the team should be involved to document the test for each test subject.

Clarify logistics

The preparation effort will vary depending on the prototype and test format. When it comes to testing a concept prototype, the effort should be kept low so as to be able to effectively manage the expectations of those involved at this early stage.

Test Prototype

The day before the test:

On the day of the test:

After the test:

Plan Test Procedure

Plan Test Procedure

What is it and what purpose does it serve?

The test procedure describes the stages of the test situation over a defined period of time (e.g. 45 min). Detailed planning of important interaction points with the test subjects promotes the implementation of a methodically guided test run, combining dramaturgy and content with roles and attitudes.

Added value

Acting out the test situation focuses on strengthening effective interaction in the team, enabling an optimum test experience for those involved. By adapting the stimulus questions, specific assumptions relating to the solution can be assessed and adapted.

The structure of the test situation is based on participatory observations. The advantage of this method is that it creates an investigation situation that is close to the day-to-day life of the user. Truly authentic insights can be gained by uncovering routine patterns of behavior that often occur unconsciously.

Plan Test Procedure

Work sheet

30 – 90 minutes


  1. Transfer template to a larger piece of paper.

  2. Using the bullet points along the route, consider the following:

Interaction: Who will be deployed and when? What form of interaction is appropriate at which points?

Roles: Assign roles. Who will carry out the test, who will take care of the documentation? If necessary, run through the process with colleagues.

Time frame: How long should testing take?

Materials: What is needed in terms of material in order to:

  • set up the room?

  • redesign the path to the room if necessary?

  • carry out the test?

Information: What information is needed in order to:

communicate the test?

prepare the test subjects?

Questions: What questions are to be answered? See hypotheses under Assemble Test Base. Use stimulus questions from the template and adapt if necessary. Think of a conclusion. For example, ask for a personal summary of the most important aspects, express gratitude and possibly offer further involvement.

  1. Draw up a brief description for testing in the context of the venture. Write cover letters to contact test subjects.

  2. Assemble working materials for the test persons, e.g. clipboard with paper, pen, sticky notes.

Document Test

Document Test

What is it and what purpose does it serve?

The test situation and application of the prototype is documented using a simple matrix.

Documentation is based on specific observation points and original quotes. It should be carried out in a focused manner for each test subject throughout the entire course of the test.

Added value

After the test, the documentation is jointly reviewed by a team. In addition to the test questions, users’ body language and interactions can also provide relevant insights into the functionality of the solution. The insights are condensed in the template Analyze Test.

In the case of multiple test situations, it is advisable to meet as a team immediately after each test run and reflect on the experience. As an addition to the documentation drawn up during the test – which is fundamental for the overall analysis – an ad hoc assessment allows spontaneous adjustments to be made to the prototype or the test situation, thereby accelerating the learning process.

Document Test

Work sheet

60 – 90 minutes


  1. Work as a team before, during and after the test. Assign roles. In case of multiple test subjects, determine one observer for each test subject, each using a separate documentation template.

  2. Facilitator guides everyone through the test run using Plan Test Procedure: Welcome test subjects (1), explain the background to the test (2) and prepare participants for their role as test subjects (3). If necessary, answer questions about the procedure or any comprehension questions that might arise about the test situation. Remember the Consent Form and the recording; point out to test subjects that all data will be anonymized. Establish an open atmosphere.

  3. Introduce and start the test situation (4). Have the test subjects interact with the prototype. Documenters observe, noting down interaction and behavior (5). Pay attention to body language, facial expressions, tone of voice, and choice of words. Use the template to record observations:

  • What works?

  • Where do questions arise?

  • What new ideas emerge?

  • What doesn’t work?

  1. Facilitate honest feedback (6), ask core questions about the prototype (7) and the concept (8) so as to understand test subjects’ underlying thoughts. Documenters make further notes in Fields A,B,C and D. Original quotes are of particular interest.

  2. Bring the test situation to a close (9). Complete notes and conclude by formulating a key phrase or observation.