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Document outcomes

Conclude the discovery phase


Conclude the discovery phase

Things to celebrate:

As a team, we ventured beyond our familiar environment during the discovery phase. Engaging with selected key actors, we were able to immerse ourselves in the context of the problem and experience the physical setting for ourselves. Needs and obstacles have emerged based on the collected impressions and unique perspectives provided by our interview partners. We conclude this phase in the knowledge that we have gained valuable inspiration for our topic.

Things that might have been strenuous:

Figures, data and facts are part and parcel of day-to-day life and are perfectly legitimate. Questioning the status quo in qualitative terms can create tension in the organization. Analyzing interview data and recog- nizing patterns are not common tasks and require practice. Interview situations can be difficult when contradictions occur or closed questions are asked. Anticipating answers or making snap judgments will lead to confirmation of the team’s pre-existing beliefs.

Things that can be helpful in dealing with the above:

  • Stay curious from interview to interview and only then condense thoughts into key insights
  • Rather than simply reinforcing your own opinion, allow yourself to be surprised
  • Practice pattern recognition on a day-to-day basis
  • Be patient with yourself

Myself and the process

Myself and the process
